Lets sweat it off in style, girls! Body Conceptions is a fitness dance that focuses on the cardio and creates fantastic results for a perfectly toned summer body!
It’s hard to beat a concept like this one at Body Conceptions. Dance to build that beautiful, lean and sculpted body of a dancer, targeting everything from:
“…your arms and abs to your thighs, glutes and heart. Both the cardio and body-sculpting components of the method use integrated movements that involve multiple muscles and require engagement of and connection to your core.”
Plus, listen to great music to boost your energy! It definitely makes all the difference.
Body Conceptions offers a few different programs: Classic, Power 45, Power Sculpt, Blast 45, and Bootcamp (yikes!).
Now, if you really want to push it up a notch, try their BoCo’s #StrongforSummer Express Challenge. It’s a focused, 4-week program designed to help you get super healthy, strong and confident for summer time.
And still, they have private class options if you prefer. Join a group of 4-7 friends to inspire each other during classes and have tons of fun. If you don’t have a group, they can add you to a smaller group.
Also, you can set up a time for a bachelorette party, a birthday celebration or even, prepare your body for your wedding!
Do you like to test your limits? Well, then this is another reason why to try out these fitness dance classes by Body Conceptions.
On our side, we are all about testing limits! You might want to try another type of fitness experience too, at Brooklyn Boulders.
Adelante Studios – 25 West 31st Street
Stepping Out Studios – 37 West 26th Street
Weekday classes are at Adelante Studios
Weekend classes are at Stepping Out Studios
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Body Conceptions and Matt Simpkins
*Last Update on March/2020.*