We all know that New Yorkers are very unique types of human beings and that we do have our peculiarities! Some might even say we’re a bit crazy but, then again, we don’t really care. See 31 curious facts about New Yorkers we just love!

As we said, New Yorkers are pretty interesting human being, with very unique, and weird habits.
So, we decided to put together a list of several pretty hilarious things New Yorkers commonly do.
Some of these were extracted from an article we found by our friends at BuzzFeed! It’s short and sweet!
We have to emphasize that #31 is definitely the ultimate best one in our point of view. Or, at least in our Founder’s point of view. This is something that she mentions almost ever single day after commuting to work.
31 Curious Facts About New Yorkers:
1. Strategically jaywalk in zigzags so that not a second is wasted.
2. Craftily weave through the crowds to get on that fully packed 6 train.
3. If they’re not talking to someone, they have their earphones on. All. The. Time.
4. Lean over the yellow subway line to see if a train’s coming – as if it’ll make it come any faster.
5. Gets crazy mad at places that aren’t opened 24h a day. Why in the world would they ever even close? Specially a pharmacy or a pizza spot.
6. Ride bikes in traffic, during blizzards, with no helmet on.
7. Roll their eyes to people that can’t swipe in their metro card on the first try.
8. Listen to music while reading a book and standing up on the subway.
9. Ask how much you pay for rent and how big your apartment is, even if they’ve just met you 5 minutes ago.
10. Pretend like crazy stuff isn’t happening while it’s happening.
11. Talk about how you can’t wait for winter during the summer…and then how you wish it were summer in the winter.
12. Avoids eye contacts so that people don’t fee like you’re opened to talking to them. You need directions? They might not stop…
13. Considers every single park as a type of “urban beach”, and can simply strip down to get a sun tan.
14. Make fun of Williamsburg, especially if you live in Williamsburg.
15. Eat bagels as drunk food.
…and still…
16. Take random pictures of people on the train to show friends.
17. Love cursing. A lot. Like, really, a “shit load” of cursing.
18. Look up at night to see what color the Empire State Building is.
19. Jaywalk so that not a minute is wasted.
20. Get crazy mad that they encounter a line of 5 people walking side by side, blocking the entire sidewalk. Damn tourists…
21. And walk at super speeds to avoid anyone with a clipboard. And, would probably win the Power Walking marathons.
22. Squeeze into super-crowded (but free!) yoga classes, which sort of defeats the purpose.
23. Can eat pizza at any time of the day, specially at 3am.
24. Can’t understand why people literally walk into the subway, before people are able to step out. WTF!?
25. At every new year, reduces the radius in which they actually commute to and from. At some point, they’ll sleep, work and play in only 1 neighborhood.
26. Can see a snake wrapped around the subway’s bars, and just look away like there’s nothing there and continue reading.
27. Are probably the worst drivers on the planet…but are experts in ordering Ubers in a split second, or hailing a cab in the middle of 42nd Street.
28. Are considered rude and snobbish, but are actually very hot hearted people. Deep deep inside.
29. Although they all seam impatient, they’ll silently stand in massive lines at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, or simply to grab a coffee.
30. Complains about almost everything but, in the end, couldn’t see themselves living anywhere else on the planet.
31. Ride over a bridge on the subway or in a cab, look at the skyline, and remember why you live here in the first place!
Photo Credits: We’re not sure who’s picture is this! Please claim it, if it’s yours! We found it online with no credit.
*Few excerpts from BuzzFeed.*
*Last Update on March/2020.*