Learning Some Beats With STOMP

If you haven’t heard about Stomp, it’s about time! Founded in the UK, back in 1991, today they are world famous, creating the most impressive percussion acts with unexpected objects and body parts! Get ready to feel your bones shake!

I absolutely L-O-V-E Stomp!

If you haven’t heard about them, they are an Off Broadway show, that was founded in the Brighton, United Kingdom in 1991 by Steve McNicholas and Luke Cresswell. Today they are world famous and attract audiences that come from all over the globe.

Their show takes place in a great spot in the trendy East Village and are always super full, when not, totally sold out!

In short, they are “a unique combination of percussion, movement and visual comedy”. And, their comedy acts are truly hilarious!

The most amazing thing is that there is absolutely no dialogue throughout the entire show, but these guys are experts in getting you crackin’ in your seat!

They literally create some of the most astounding and impressive percussion acts, using countless unexpected objects and body parts.

“Matchboxes, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo lighters and more fill the stage with energizing beats at STOMP, the inventive and invigorating stage show that’s dance, music and theatrical performance blended together in one electrifying rhythm.”

We spoke to, and learned some beats with 3 of their NYC performers: Desmond Howard, Jasmine Joyner and Simeon Weedall.

Plus, I couldn’t forget to thank our dear friend, Marivaldo dos Santos, that was the one that set this video shooting up for us! Marivaldo is also part of the super talented NYC performers, since the early days, when it all started! You guys HAVE to see him in action!

So, before you watch, be sure to subscribe to our channel, turn on the notifications and come explore New York with me!

Entertainment Culture Music Learning Some Beats With Stomp NYC Trash Cans
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Stomp

Buy your tickets:

  • Online
  • By Phone: (800) 982-2787
  • In Person: At address below

PLEASE NOTE: Children must be at least 4 years old to attend STOMP and everyone must have a ticket. The age minimum is enforced and no child under the age of 4 will be admitted.

Box Office Hours:

Monday: 1pm – 6pm
Tuesday – Friday: 1pm – 8pm
Saturday: 12pm – 8pm
Sunday: 12pm – 5:30pm

Performance Schedule:

Monday: Dark
Tuesday: 8pm
Wednesday: 8pm
Thursday: 8pm
Friday: 8pm
Saturday: 3pm & 8pm
Sunday: 2pm & 5:30pm

Location: Orpheum Theatre Box Office – 126 Second Avenue


Entertainment Culture Music Learning Some Beats With Stomp NYC Fernanda Paronetto
Our Founder, Fê Paronetto, trying out a few moves! Check out the video to see how well she did – or not! LOL!

Videography & Photography: Renata Meirelles 
Leila Soldeira
Camilla Adão

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