Once again our Founder, Fernanda Paronetto, shared her story about how she decided to leave her “perfect” life in Brazil and move to New York City at 32 years old. She shared how Behind the Scenes NYC started, on Glamour Brazil.
This time our Founder, Fernanda, shared her story and how Behind the Scenes NYC started, on Glamour Brazil’s online magazine for her Brazilian audience.
If you’re a Portuguese speaker, take a look at the original link to read the full article, written in first person.
A little snippet in English:
Since my teenager years, I always wanted to live in New York. My idea was to move as soon as I graduated from college. But … a decade passed and, when I noticed, I was 30 years old and still living in Brazil.
What happened in those 10 years that I didn’t go to NY?
To be honest, I had only tried once to make this big change. I tried everything. I talked to everyone I knew, asked for contact recommendations, researched courses and MBAs I could apply to, spent hours on LinkedIn…
The first (and unsuccessful) attempt
Everything seemed to be evolving according to plan, but in a short time, all contacts were dissolving, I lost the timing of signing up for the courses, the Skype interviews did not progress … Nothing was working out.
Over the years, I realized that there was a bigger reason why I couldn’t move. It’s a very long story, but, yes, I believe in Karma, faith, the Universe, energy, etc. – and no, I’m not religious at all.
Today I see that everything happened in the most perfect way and that, if I had moved to NY at that time, I would not be 1/10 of the person I am today.
Obviously, I was only able to see the beauty of this failed attempt much later. And you know what? It was spectacular.
Continue reading how Behind the Scenes NYC started on Glamour Brasil!