Transplanting hope can be easy and painless. See how Be The Match started and how they are helping millions of people across the globe. Come and be part of this amazing community.
One of the main reasons we started Behind the Scenes NYC was to work with the local community, making a difference and helping those that need our support.
We met a great group of people from Be The Match at an event in the city last year. Immediately, we signed up and joined their program by filling out a form. Plus, they got a “saliva sample” so we could become donors – totally painless.
They explain:
“For thousands of patients with a blood cancer like leukemia or other blood disease like sickle cell anemia, a marrow or umbilical cord transplant is their only life-saving treatment – their only chance for a cure. Yet, most have no matching marrow donor in their family.”
So, if you are between the age of 18 and 44, these folks need you!
Moms and future moms, did you know that your baby’s umbilical cord can save lives too!?
Here are a few ways to engage and be part of this amazing work:
- Donate: Different from what people thing, the 2 methods of donation are painless. PBSC donation is a nonsurgical procedure and the most common way to donate. Bone marrow donation is a surgical, usually outpatient procedure. Regardless, both are safe and painless.
- Donate Money: Yes, they do rely on financial contributions to continue researches. In addition, they help patients with transplant costs and other needs.
- Volunteer, attend an event or put together a fundraising: Yes, there are other countless ways to support and participate. You’ll surely find the one that suits you the most.
Their Volunteer Programs is great for anyone interested in donating time – one of our most precious assets today!
Furthermore, if you want to actually see the impact they have today, you can read heart-warming stories. From patients and donors to stories behind patients & donors actually meeting, after a successful transplant!
Let’s help make a difference in this world that seams to have become as it’s crazy as it can get!
Credits: Courtesy of Be The Match
*Last Update on March/2020.*