#Besomebody interviewed our Founder, Fê Paronetto in a short, but sweet article! After participating in a Speaking Engagement with them, she shared a few more details about her adventure of moving to New York!

We’re excited to share the link to an Interview our Founder, Fê Paronetto, did for #Besomebody!
They’ve created a project called the “Passion Project”. After participating at their 1st 1Eleven event, our Founder shared a bit about her passions for New York City, for people, for giving back and, for life!
#Besomebody 1Elevens are local events where speakers have one minute and 11 seconds to share anything they are passionate about.
Below, you can read her full interview:
What is your project?
Behind the Scenes NYC started from my uncontrollable and inexplicable passion for New York.
It started from a humble little Instagram account, with myself as the 1st follower. Hahaha! I was living in Brazil, and worked on it for a 1 full year before moving to NY. The desire to move to NY so much that 5 months and 780 pages later, I got my Visa!
I wanted to share the best off-the-beaten-track places, events and brands in the State of NY. I wanted everyone to see NY like I see it, and feel what I feel when I’m here!
Behind the Scenes NYC is a platform created to share New York’s extremely unique vibe and energy. It’s amazingly dynamic, obviously multi-cultural…and the “hustle”? Wow…that’s really something to experience!
Behind the Scenes NYC has become exactly that. A platform of sharing stories of this diverse mix of people that you can only find in a city like this one. But it goes beyond. Behind the Scenes is not about tips in Manhattan. It’s about exploring this beautiful State, getting to know the stories of those that make this place so inspiring, learning about what else this State has to offer beyond the well-known touristic spots.
This was built as a platform for outsiders that want to explore the real New York, but also for locals in search of new experiences.
As John Legend once said:
“I regret profoundly that I was not an American and not born in Greenwich Village. It might be dying, and there might be a lot of dirt in the air you breathe, but this is where it’s happening.”
That’s the beauty of New York!
Who is it helping/serving and/or how will it benefit others?
Our Mission: “Strengthening the local community and disrupting the status quo of NY tourism far from the touristy scene!”
We showcase small businesses and autonomous people that are making a difference.
Plus, we want to foster tourism in the State of NY, in a special, unique way. After all, there’s nothing better than visiting places and feel like a real local, right?
For New Yorkers, we want to teach them what’s beyond the default places they are comfortable with and invite them to explore their own city, with more curiosity.
They always get amazed with what they “find”!
What do you need to grow your project?
Spread the word!
We’re always looking for Partners that support the project and are interested in sharing our story and their stories too. This can happen in different ways. It can be a media outlet writing about us or companies that are hosting clients or meetings in New York and want to organize something unique.
Plus, we are always interested in learning people’s stories.
So, we are continuously looking to partner up with like-minded people, companies and causes. For example, we want to engage more with local charities and small businesses.
How can others get involved?
Explore our website and write to us with your ideas to contact@behindthescenesnyc.com.
Furthermore, we are very, VERY eager and open to talk about new ideas, projects and how we can collaborate.
In addition, Behind the Scenes NYC has helped companies host events, offered media support to several causes, promoted small businesses or unique experiences in New York, or just shared great stories.
…we’d love to listen!